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Strata Insurance

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Cover for your Strata Building

The Sum Insured includes the total amount for all lot owners, the sum insured needs to be adequate for replacement and in line with your valuation. If you are unsure about your required building sum insured, it is advisable to engage a professional to do a building valuation on the premises. You can also use online calculators to assist in your decision making.  



Some insurer's wont accept certain materials

Insurers reserve the right to accept cover or refuse based on if the premises fitting their requirements. It is important you provide accurate information in relation to your building’s construction. Some materials may require special approval from the insurer or cover may be rejected. EPS and ACP are some examples of materials that would void your insurance. If you have these materials present in your construction, please contact our office to advise, as we will need to discuss this with the insurer. If you are unsure of the materials present in your construction, you will need to get a professional to advise.  

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Flood cover can be optional, decide if your at risk

Protection against financial loss due to property flooding from natural water sources. This coverage may include:

  •  Damages to the property, including common areas and private lot structures.

  •  Compensation for flood‐damaged shared contents

  •  Coverage for loss of rent and temporary accommodation expenses

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Catastrophe's can cause price surges on materials

Extra coverage for situations declared as a catastrophe by the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA). This comes into effect after the building's insured sum is exhausted, typically due to increased costs during a disaster. It may cover:  

  • A percentage‐based increase to the building's insured sum

  • Extended coverage for loss of rent or temporary accommodation

  • Removal and storage of undamaged insured property

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For Lot Owners Internal Improvements

Coverage for additional permanent fixtures and fittings (excluding floating floorboards) that become legally part of the building. This is typically activated when the individual unit's value exceeds the amount insured under the building sum due to renovations.

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Property Owner's Legal Liability

Coverage protecting landlords and property owners from claims related to legal liability for injuries, illnesses, or damage to people or property occurring at the insured address. State legislation generally sets the minimum required for Strata Plan’s. You should always check your states requirements to ensure you are covered for the required amount.  

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Voluntary Worker's That Visit The Premises

Coverage that provides monetary compensation to individuals who suffer accidental injury or death while working as authorised volunteers for the Strata Corporation, without payment. This may be mandatory in your state. You should check your state legislation if required.

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Body Corp Fraud or Embezzlement

Coverage protecting Lot Owners against loss of contents or money resulting directly from fraud committed by an employee, partner, contractor, or volunteer.

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Liability For Strata Representatives

Coverage for legal fees in the event that a committee member of the Body Corporate faces a lawsuit for wrongful acts or errors made while representing all owners of the Body Corporate.

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Larger Machines Can Be Excluded From Your Policy Unless Nominated

Coverage for the repair or replacement of unforeseen breakdowns, collapses, or explosions of nominated machines. Check the limitations and exclusions of your policy wording (PDS) to ensure you are covered for machinery at the premises. If you need additional cover, the machine can be nominated and this section of cover can be added.

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Government Audit Expenses, Health & Safety Legal Expenses, Legal Expenses

Much like a business, Strata titles can be subject to Government Audit which can incur costs for the strata plan. This section provides coverage for costs related to audits, legal defence, and appeal expenses in certain events against the Strata Plan

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An Increasing Global Risk

Coverage for losses due to hacking, theft of personal data, or IT infrastructure failure. This coverage may include: First‐party coverage, which protects the strata company from expenses resulting from a data breach or hack. Third‐party coverage, which protects against legal cases brought against the strata company by affected parties for allowing the breach to occur. See policy wording for full details as claims relating to this component of cover requires some precautions to be in place and evident

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